Making 1014 the best

As another year closes and the excitement of a brand new one full of opportunity and endless possibility lets it’s presence be known, now is your chance to put your best foot forward and create your best 2014 yet!

Below I have put together a check list of 21 of the most valuable tips for losing fat and getting the body you want in this year


 1.  Give yourself a 30 day nutrition challenge.

Ditch sugar, dairy, flour, grains, alcohol and caffeine for 30 days. Focus on eating nutritional dense real food, high quality protein, vegetables in a rainbow of colours and smart fats such as fish oil, nuts, seeds, avocadoes butter and coconut oil.


 2.  Keep a nutrition diary.

In the evening write down what you plan to eat for the following day. On the day write down what you actually ate. Make a note of how you felt after you ate and spend some time analysing it. Making notes on where you did well and where you could improve.


 3.  Eat a protein rich breakfast within 30 minutes of waking.

Breakfast such as Fish, Steak or Eggs cooked in coconut oil and with a side of veggies


4.  Drink warm water and squeeze fresh lemon into it.

Not only is the lemon going to boost your immune system as it is high in vitamin c but it will also help balance your PH levels. Lemon does have citric acid, however once metabolised, lemon becomes a highly alkaline food. As a final bonus lemon will aid in detoxification of the liver.


5.  Drink more water

Aim to have at least 2-3 litres of good quality water every-day.


6.  Aim to eat 3-4 meals a day.

Leave a good few hours between meals, this will help give your digestive system a break.


 7.  Consume protein within 30 minutes of training.

This can be in the form of a high quality grass fed protein powder or a meal high in protein such as fish, chicken or eggs.


8.   Take your supplements.

The big 3 are; a good quality fish oil/cod liver oil, magnesium and a multi vitamin. There are lots of other fantastic supplements out there however without testing you’re just guessing as to what you need.


9.  Get tested by a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist.

A great analogy is that for a garden to grow it needs sunshine and water just like for fat loss you need diet and exercise. But even with all the sunshine and water in the world your garden will not grow if it doesn’t have healthy soil. What I am getting at is if your body (soil) is not healthy and functioning (deficient in nutrients) as it should be you will struggle to lose fat.


10.  Sleep 8-9 hours a night.

Follow your natural circadian rhythm, get to bed by 22.30 and wake at 06.00. This will balance your hormones allowing both physical and mental recovery.


11.  Train your whole body.

Use functional exercises that have the most bang for your buck. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, push ups and pull ups. Lift bags, throw weighted balls and battle with heavy ropes.


12.  Lift weights.

Focus on supersets and circuits of 4-6 exercises, complete as many reps as you can in 40-60 seconds and recover for 20-40 seconds. Use conditioning circuits and high intensity interval training


13.  Your training session should be 60 minutes maximum.

If you’re training hard enough your workouts should be closer to 40 minutes. Get in, get the job done and get out.


14.  Take fat loss action every day.

Do something every day to take you a step closer to your fat loss goals. This might be a good training session, a perfect day with nutrition or spending time relaxing, unwinding and removing stress.


15.  Write your outcome goals.

Be specific and write out what exactly what you want to achieve. Once you have done this, spend time writing out your process goals; exactly how you’re going to achieve this. For example – I plan to lose 5 kilos in 4 weeks. I am going to do this by training 5 days per week at (given facility) and I will stick to the nutrition 100% for the next 4 weeks.


16.  Know WHAT you want.

Know WHY you want it. Know WHEN you want it by. Know the PRICE you have to pay. PAY the price.


17.  Get your Estrogen in check.

If you’re a man and you store FAT on your chest or if you’re a woman and you store your FAT on your hips then there is a good chance your estrogen levels are too high. Remove exposure to estrogen. Estrogen can be found in tap water, deodorant, cosmetics, plastic food containers, beer and at all costs avoid soy based products.


18.  Spend less time trying to figure out how to lose fat.

Unfortunately with so much conflicting information out there it is easy to get paralysis by analysis. Keep your fat loss journey simple, the harder you work the more results you will get. If you are unsure hire a Havelock North Personal Trainer for guaranteed results


19.  Make yourself accountable.

Take before pictures and post them on facebook, tell your close friends and family what you’re doing. They will help you stay motivated and encouraged to keep moving forward.


 20.  Track your progress.

Every two weeks take measurements, get on the scales and get your body fat tested.  As a side note if you lose 5kg of fat but gain 5kg of muscle then you will weigh the same. However you will look completely different. Focus your efforts on Body fat and not weight.


21.  Visualise your transformation.

Spend time thinking about your transformation. How will you feel different, how will you move different and how will you think different. Run through your mind how your transformation will take place.  Remember – thoughts determine feelings, feelings determine your actions and actions determine your results.


If you feel you can do this on your own then great. However if you feel like you need help to show you what to do and to keep you accountable then


Train with us at Results Personal Training