Happy Monday

How was your weekend?

With last weekend being a long weekend it seems that a few of you fell off the wagon, myself included. So this week has been about finding the wagon and getting back on.

With that said, in today’s newsletter I am going to share with you 25 more nutrition rules to get back on-point

1 – Eat real food.

If man made it, it came from a box or a packet then it’s probably a good idea to avoid it

2  – Buy at the Farmers Market

Hawkes Bay has an amazing Farmers Market with lots of fresh, local and organic produce.

3 – Keep it Fresh!

Shop for food 2-3x per week

4 – Take a moment

Before you eat, take a moment to breathe and give thanks for your food. Eating mindfully puts you in a state of parasympathetic your ‘’rest and digest’’ pathway.

5 – Eat Organic

Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides probably aren’t doing you any favours

6  – Eat RAW

Just not Chicken 🙂

7 – Water, water, water

A good starting point is your body-weight in kilos divided by 30

8 – Get your mastication on

Yes, chew chew, chew your food.

9 – Increase your fibre intake

The easiest way to do this is to simply eat more veggies


10 – Avoid gluten

It’s not your friend, avoid it or at least strongly consider cutting down on the stuff

11 – Ferment

Eat a healthy dose of fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kimchi. #naturesprobiotic

12 – Eat seasonal

Right now as I write this melons are not in season. Regardless of how good melons are you would be better off having a mandarin.

13 – Cut out sugar

There is nothing good about it. Give yourself a 30 day no sugar challenge and see how much better you feel

14 – Turn the heat down

When cooking your food, don’t just crank the high heat to get it cooked faster. You will kill good nutrients and potentially change chemical structures resulting in rancid food

15 – Trash the Teflon

Teflon leaches resulting in high levels of estrogen mimicking hormones. Invest in some good cooking gear, it will last forever

16 – Beware of beer

Beer has hops which elevate estrogen and gluten that could cause inflammation. I would be a hypocrite if I told you to eliminate it but certainly consider minimising it.

17 – Get your omega 3’s

Get adequate levels of omega 3’s. Wild sardines, wild salmon and a fish oil supplement are my go-to’s

18 – Don’t fear the saturated fat

Saturated fat has had a lot of bad press over the years but we are (for most part) beginning to turn it around. Butter, coconut oil and the fat on your grass-fed beef are essentially for good health

19 – Coffee

If you NEED it then it’s time for a detox. If you enjoy it then keep it to before your workout not after.

20 – Warm water and lemon

A squeeze of lemon in some warm water in the morning might just be the thing for alkalizing your body and giving your liver some love

21 – If you love it, rotate it

If you eat eggs everyday for breakfast then you will build a sensitivity to them. Same goes for natural yoghurt.

22  – Try new foods

Find a good butcher and get something different. Rabbit, hare, goat, fallow, deer etc.

23 – Home cooking

Cook more food at home and get less takeaways. First off you know what is going into your food (no rancid, cheap oils for a start). Secondly you will have more appreciation for something that you have invested effort into. The more appreciation, the better the psychological state the better the physiological response

24 – Pay attention

Note how you feel after certain foods. Are you bloated, tired or still hungry. These are all signs that something isn’t quite right.

25 – Break the rules

Every now and again, be okay with breaking all the rules and getting yourself a Rush Munro’s ice cream. 😉

So there you have it. 25 more nutrition rules

Paul “I know I have seen that wagon somewhere’’ & Krystie “did someone say Rush Munro’s” Miller