fat loss lies

Unfortunately the health and fitness industry can be full of B.S. Often so called experts are happy to feed you lies in order to sell a product or get you to buy a membership. Today I thought I would weed through the utter nonsense and give you the truth.

Lie – Eating fat makes you fat

The truth is that fat is essential for the body to function. Of course there are good fats and bad fats, but eating plenty of good fats such as grass fed beef, coconut oil, avocadoes and nuts and seeds will keep your hormones happy. Fat in a roundabouts way is the precursor to your hormones and it also keeps your immunity strong. For fat loss, focus on reducing carbohydrates such as grains from your diet, start by having a protein rich breakfast such as eggs instead of a carbohydrate loaded one like cereal.

Lie – Jogging will help me lose the fat

The truth is jogging may help you lose some weight but the odds are you will just get injured. According to research 79% of runners get a niggley injury in the first year of running. Most people don’t have the structural integrity to run. For fat loss, you are far better off doing metabolic resistance training which will burn significantly more calories in far less time compared to jogging. Check out our Fitness Bootcamps in Hawkes Bay to start your fat loss journey today

Lie – Yoga and Pilates will give you long elongated muscles

The truth is all muscles have an insertion and origin point and the only way to change these would require a similar scene to the one in ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’. Muscle mass can only increase or decrease, it cannot lengthen. If you increase lean muscle tissue (grow) you will naturally increase your metabolism allowing you to burn more fat and give you a leaner more toned look. Now we have cleared that up I wanted to point out that Yoga and Pilates additional to some sort of resistance training can be great for you for many reasons.

Lie – Crunches and sit ups give you abs

The truth is that we all have a six pack but for most it’s hidden under a layer of fat. If you can’t see your abs it’s not because you haven’t done enough crunches and sit ups, it’s because you like cake too much. If your midsection is where you tend to store your fat then get your nutrition right and start doing metabolic resistance training. Start by removing sugar, white flour, table salt and dairy from your diet for the next 30 days and watch how quickly your belly will shrink

Lie – Lift light weight for high reps to tone

The truth is that lifting those 3kg pink dumbbells will do nothing for your physic, you will just be wasting your time! However if you want to get the body of your dreams you must lift a weight that is challenging enough to force change. Heavier weights will increase lean muscle tissue, up regulate your metabolism and assist you in burning more calories and more fat. Aim for 8-12 good reps in a circuit style of functional exercises such as squats, rows, lunges and push ups.

Lie – Coffee is bad for you

The truth is coffee can be good for but it is a case by case scenario. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and studies have shown it is great for cognitive function and can even assist with fat loss. However for some, coffee can be irritable for your gut, make you tired and lethargic. If you do drink coffee, drink it before you work out and make sure it’s organic as coffee beans are highly sprayed.

Lie – Nutrition is far too complicated

The truth is it doesn’t have to be. When it comes to nutrition – everyone has an opinion and with all these opinions flying about you can often get paralysis by analysis. Here is the deal, if Mother Nature naturally provided us with it be it, it grows from the ground or it used to be alive, then eat it. Meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables are going to do wonders for you. Avoid all grains, processed foods and conventional dairy.