Happy Monday Everyone. Hope you had a great weekend. We spent most of the weekend putting up a rig in our studio along with changing the studio around a bit… Spring clean 😉

Great to see the sun shining and the flowers in their full bloom. Always brings a smile to my face. 

On to today’s newsletter. ​​​​

Smart Training

Regardless of your fitness goals, understanding the 7 different movement patterns I mentioned last week should ultimately form the frame work for your training. 

The truth is that once you understand these fundamental patterns it doesn’t really matter what training tool you use, kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells or simply your bodyweight. 

Personally I love a kettlebell as it typically allows for a greater feedback response. ”Better information in, better information out” 

Squatting is one of our 7 fundamentals and no matter what your goal is everyone would be served well to have some kind of squatting in their training program 

  • we develop the squat as a toddler, but many lose the ability in later years 
  • we squat every time we sit down and stand up 
  • squatting was one of our go-to archetypal resting postures 
  • squatting pumps blood and lymph around the body making for great circulation 
  • squatting uses a boat load of muscles and has a high energy cost… (more calories burnt) 

Once you understand the importance of the squat, you can see the squat can be performed with a dumbbell, kettlebell, trx, bodyweight, sandbag or your wife

Nourished By Nature

A few nutritional bits to think about 

Quality and quantity 

For health it is important that you focus on both quality and quantity of the food one consumes. We all know that eating to much food isn’t good for our waistlines but we also need to focus on the quality of our food too. Herbicides pesticides and fungicides can play havoc with our hormonal environment making it more challenging to lose the weight.   

Kiss the ground 

Recently we watched the Netflix documentary Kiss the ground. Krystie and I have always been big fans of regeneration farming and believe that top soil is so much more important than many give it credit 

Narrated by Woody Harrelson, its well worth a watch

Veggie delivery 

Krystie and I go through a-lot of veggies. More than our garden can handle, so we will often get an Organic veggie delivery box from Petit Jardin 

These guys are awesome and do some great locally grown organic produce. Check them out.

That’s us for today. Stay healthy, stay strong. 

Paul “squatty potty” and Krystie “kissing the ground” Miller