Happy Monday Everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend. We lit our fire over the weekend to take off the chill in the air, let’s hope that is not good bye to the warm days.

Today we are bringing you a post about random things you may not know about Paul. I think we did one of these 20 random facts posts about 7 years ago. Anyway a lot has changed (including much of our readership) and we thought it was time to do another one 

Wanna share YOUR 20 (or 1) random or little known facts about you? 

I dare you !


1 – I was born at a very young age 🙂 in Chelmsford the heart of Essex. They say you can take the boy out of Essex but you can’t take the Essex out of the boy. I have spent most of my life in London and if you ask where i’m from I probably tell you London 


2 –  I was born on the 15th of April 1981 which makes me nearly 40. Which scares the shit out of me and amazes me, as I still feel like I haven’t grown up yet 


3 – I have been married for 5 years to my best friend and the love of my life Krystie. We met after I had returned to London from 5 years in Queenstown (I was only planning on being there for 2 months) 


4 – I’m the father of 2 kids; Milly 6 and Bear 3. When Milly isn’t at Steiner she can be found drawing pictures and making stories. Bear named after ‘’Bear crawls’’ grizzly Bear and Bear Grylls can be found at Nature Connect (formerly Timbernook) or out in the garden hunting for vegetables in our patch 


5 – As a young boy I grew up playing football, roller hockey and doing martial arts. I was never a naturally talented athlete but I always held my own 


6 – My middle name is Kendal as is my brothers, fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. When I first mentioned this to Krystie, she thought I said Candle and for the next year thought my family must have been total hippies to name me that. It’s probably why she gave me a chance 😉 


7 – My first job was a paper round and this required being up at the shop at the crack of dawn. I delivered papers 7 days a week, it would take around 1 – 1:30 hours depending on the day and I earned 15 pounds a week, which is like $30 — slave labour!! 


8 – After a year of savings I bought myself a drum kit and played it badly for many years, much to the annoyance of my parents. Sorry Mum 


9 – When I’m not working, hanging out with my kids or training, I can be found playing guitar. I have been playing for over 15 years and I am still very much a beginner 😉 


10 –  I love music but am partial towards some old skool rave, trance, techno and heavy metal. I have had the privilege of seeing many artists (growing up in London has its perks) but some of my favourites have included Tracey Chapman, the Chilli Peppers and John Butler Trio 


11 – When I was younger I stayed a little too long in Ibiza. My job was to march people dressed as aliens on stilts and Dwarfs dressed as satan around Ibiza. It was a special time  


12 – In my younger years I was a bit of an adventurist. I have jumped out of an airplane, bungee jumped, done some hand-gliding, plenty of canyoning, rafting, canyon swinging and a bit of scuba diving 


13 – I was in an avalanche. I was being an idiot and thought it would be a good idea to take a camping ground sheet up a mountain. While riding down, half the mountain just came away. I swam for my life and was fortunately not smothered. Pretty scary stuff!!


14 – I started working in a gym at the age of 18 and have never looked back since. I have been in the industry for over 20 years. 


Year one – was like learning to drive. I thought I knew everything when it turns out I didn’t really know anything  


Year three – I was married to a methodology – this way, is the only way 


Year ten – and I finally became a little smart. I was the guy I thought I was in year one.  


Year fifteen I look around at all the newbies and wonder if I was ever as young and dumb as they are. Then I remember I was. I take a breath and continue sharing my knowledge with a bunch of young guns that secretly think they are smarter and better than me at everything  


Year twenty – Pick up those kettlebells, swing them around and when you have finished we will pour a whiskey and talk about life. Im finally the old guy. My workout is my meditation and the hours I have put in have been some of the best of my life 


15  – The majority of my Personal Training career was spent working in London’s Mayfair where I had the privilege of working with many A list celebrities (some z-listers too :)) , fortune 500s and some billionaires. This was a great time with some really great people I now call friends 


16 – I have featured in a couple of TV shows giving fitness advice. A women’s talk show and a British reality sports game show, in which 10 celebrities compete against each other, by doing Olympic-style events, such as weight lifting, gymnastics and diving. 


17 – I’m not a runner and have never run a marathon but once I was signed up to do The Longmynd hike. A 50 mile (80ks) run/hike up and down some of the biggest hills in Shropshire. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do, taking me 23 hours in total. I didn’t do any specific training for it…maybe that’s where I went wrong 🙂 


18 – Not only am I a qualified Personal Trainer but I am also a qualified Massage Therapist and Functional Nutritionist. Years ago I did some Massage Therapy and I may well get back into it one day (just need to sort out the calluses on my hands). I still take on clients for Functional Nutrition which is mainly based around lab testing and protocols 


19 – In 2012 myself and Krystie cycled across Switzerland. After day one and 9 hours on the bike I turned to Krystie and said ‘ I’m not sure I can do this.’ I did and it was possibly one of the best holidays I have ever had. 


20 – I’m dyslexic and I have to have Krystie check all the posts I write (I can’t be trusted).  I was terrible at writing as a youngster and hated it. I consider I’m still average at writing but I love it now… who would have thought. 

There you have it, now your turn 🙂

Paul “candle” and Krystie “light” Miller