Happy Monday So for today's newsletter I thought I would roll a question and answer session on nutrition. These questions have all been asked over the years and I have compiled a list for you. If you have any questions you would like answered then give us an email at...

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Fat Loss with Coffee and Wine

Happy Monday   I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the Hawkes Bay sunshine   I just want to say well done to all those that competed in yesterday's Triathlon.     Last week, during our fitness camp class I was asked about my thoughts on coffee. Well to...

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Vegetarian vs Meat Eater?!

This could be one of the most controversial posts I have written. However before going into this post I want you to know that though I am a meat eater I am not anti-vegetarian/vegan. I believe that you have the right to eat whatever you like and who am I to tell you...

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18 Things I Wish I Knew 18 Years Ago!

I have been in the fitness industry for 18 years now and a lot has changed. Fitness, nutrition and health information is constantly evolving; Once upon a time butter, coconut oil and other saturated fats were vilified but today they are considered a staple of health....

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Our Road Trip & 10 of my Truths!

Happy Monday I hope you all had a great weekend Krystie and I have just returned back to the Bay after a week away tripping around the North Island with my parents. Though my parents have been to NZ a couple of times they have never really seen past Hawkes Bay so this...

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Ladies – The Truth About Toning & Sculpting

  Ladies,  if you have ever seen a man in the gym, here are some of the things you may have observed:   The choice of weights he picked up was far too heavy for him, but his ego believes he can lift it   The form he uses to lift the weight looks less flow like and a...

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Are you part of the 8%? … And our trip!

Happy New Year - 2017!   I hope that you all had a wonderful new year and have been enjoying the holiday season.   Krystie and I are back from our trip and what a trip it was.   A couple of days in LA, chilling in Venice Beach area, sipping coffee, swing hopping (for...

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How to cure jetlag and our trip

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. For the Miller household it was a weekend of preparation for our trip this coming Friday. For those reading this that don’t know, on Friday we fly to LA where we spend 3 days in Venice beach and the surrounding...

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In today's newsletter I wanted to talk to you about adrenal fatigue. As of late far too many people have told me they're tired and don't feel like they have any get up and go in them. This is a classic sign of adrenal fatigue. Step 1 I have attached an adrenal fatigue...

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Ready To Do Things Properly?

Phone  :  0210 222 2720

Email  :  fitnesscamp@hotmail.com

Ready To Do Things Properly?

Phone  :  0210 222 2720

Email  :  fitnesscamp@hotmail.com