Happy Monday So for today's newsletter I thought I would roll a question and answer session on nutrition. These questions have all been asked over the years and I have compiled a list for you. If you have any questions you would like answered then give us an email at...
read moreOur Exciting News and A Healthy Anzac Biscuit Recipe
Happy Monday I hope you all had a lovely weekend and made the most of the sunshine Just a short newsletter today… First off, some of you may have noticed Krystie’s ever expanding waistline. Yes Krystie has been eating too many pies 😉 Only Kidding!! Krystie is...
read more7 Ideas To Keep Your Fat Loss Motivation High
Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had a lovely Easter and didn't go too overboard with the eating of chocolate eggs! I thought this post was quite appropriate after the weekend. When it comes to dropping the fat, motivation is often the hardest part. In today's post I am...
read more101 To Looking Great Naked… read on
Happy Monday It’s Sunday morning, Krystie and Milly have gone to the market and I am pondering what to write about for this weeks newsletter. If there are any subjects around the sphere of health and fitness that you would like to get more of an insight into...
read moreFat Loss with Coffee and Wine
Happy Monday I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the Hawkes Bay sunshine I just want to say well done to all those that competed in yesterday's Triathlon. Last week, during our fitness camp class I was asked about my thoughts on coffee. Well to...
read moreVegetarian vs Meat Eater?!
This could be one of the most controversial posts I have written. However before going into this post I want you to know that though I am a meat eater I am not anti-vegetarian/vegan. I believe that you have the right to eat whatever you like and who am I to tell you...
read more18 Things I Wish I Knew 18 Years Ago!
I have been in the fitness industry for 18 years now and a lot has changed. Fitness, nutrition and health information is constantly evolving; Once upon a time butter, coconut oil and other saturated fats were vilified but today they are considered a staple of health....
read moreOur Road Trip & 10 of my Truths!
Happy Monday I hope you all had a great weekend Krystie and I have just returned back to the Bay after a week away tripping around the North Island with my parents. Though my parents have been to NZ a couple of times they have never really seen past Hawkes Bay so this...
read moreMy Fitness Journey & a World Record – Bex Hodge
Happy Monday. I hope you all had a great weekend. Krystie, Milly, myself and my family are in the Bay of Islands. A holiday for my folks and a chance for a little get away for us. Out for a day sail yesterday and we were treated to some acrobats from a pod of playful...
read moreHave you ever heard of the 80/20 principle
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 principle? Its Pareto's principle that states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. I remember first learning about this concept back in 2007 after reading Tim Ferriss 4 Hour Work Week. Fascinated by this...
read moreLadies – The Truth About Toning & Sculpting
Ladies, if you have ever seen a man in the gym, here are some of the things you may have observed: The choice of weights he picked up was far too heavy for him, but his ego believes he can lift it The form he uses to lift the weight looks less flow like and a...
read moreOur weekend & 6 tips for a healthy get away
Happy Monday How was your weekend? A tad on the windy side? This weekend Krystie, Milly, Oakey and I all went on our first family camping trip. Probably not the best weekend to go camping but what the hey. In fact it wasn’t so much the wind but the wedding 50 meters...
read moreWomen…Should you be sticking to yoga or lifting weights?!
So on Friday night a friend sent me a video of a nutritionist (let’s call him Ken) talking about exercise. Since then I have had a few people speak to me about this so I thought what better than to write a post about this topic. Ken clearly stated that women shouldn’t...
read moreHere is what I will be doing to drop the excess kg’s from the festive period…
Happy Monday How was your week(end)? Are you still on track with those New Year's Resolutions? For those that missed it...last week's post on “How to actually achieve your New Year's Resolutions’’https://www.personal-trainers.co.nz/part-8-trip-2/ So I put on a...
read moreAre you part of the 8%? … And our trip!
Happy New Year - 2017! I hope that you all had a wonderful new year and have been enjoying the holiday season. Krystie and I are back from our trip and what a trip it was. A couple of days in LA, chilling in Venice Beach area, sipping coffee, swing hopping (for...
read moreOur Trip So Far and 3 Tips to Keeping the Xmas Belly Fat Off!
Happy Monday So we have finally arrived to the UK and it’s definitely a little on the chilly side. We have a high of 9°C compared to Hawkes Bay’s 29°C (as I write this). The trip so far… The Flights Having a small child on a long haul flight is both great and...
read moreMy Top Five Fitness/Health Christmas Gift Ideas for a special female in your life
Yes it is Christmas in just 25 days, and you may be asking yourself what on earth should I buy for my wife/girlfriend/friend/mum...? I think giving the gift of health is one of the most important things you can do. Without good health, you don't have a lot. Or put...
read moreHow to cure jetlag and our trip
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. For the Miller household it was a weekend of preparation for our trip this coming Friday. For those reading this that don’t know, on Friday we fly to LA where we spend 3 days in Venice beach and the surrounding...
read moreInside our business AND pizza and wine
Happy Monday I hope you all had a great weekend. How good was the weather here in Hawkes Bay 🙂 On Saturday we had our Results Fitness Camp Christmas party at Te Awanga Estate. Pizza, platters and wine was the order of the day. It’s all about the 80/20 lifestyle 😉 At...
read moreKrystie’s Birthday, 3 Frenchies and Ageing!
Happy Monday Did you have a great weekend? It was Krystie’s birthday on Sunday and it’s my understanding that she is 21...again! Saturday night Krystie and I headed out for dinner. We shared a starter of oysters (super high in zinc) and beef tartar. For main I had a...
read moreThe Art of Eating Well – Sticky Toffee Pudding
Happy Monday, How was your weekend? We had a great weekend. Saturday morning we headed out to Waipatiki beach for a dog walk. While we walked Oakey, Milly walked her little wooden elephant which worked on the road but as soon as we hit the walking trail slowed things...
read moreIn today's newsletter I wanted to talk to you about adrenal fatigue. As of late far too many people have told me they're tired and don't feel like they have any get up and go in them. This is a classic sign of adrenal fatigue. Step 1 I have attached an adrenal fatigue...
read moreAdrenal Fatigue Questionaire
Click below to open link: xx-dr-wilsons-adrenal-fatigue-questionnaire
read moreThe Secret to a Fulfilling Life – I just Pulled 4 Aces!
Happy Monday As I sit here and write this week's newsletter it’s Sunday evening and what a beautiful weekend it was. I was running (true story) this morning and though I am not a huge fan of running there is something rather special about getting up early on a sunny...
read more