by Paul Miller | Feb 9, 2021 | Fat loss, Life
As I was sitting down getting ready to watch the Queen’s Gambit (have any of you guys watched it yet?), I was wondering what to write for Wednesday’s newsletter. I asked Paul for some inspiration and he opened his note document (Paul’s forever...
by Paul Miller | Feb 7, 2021 | Fat loss, Life, Nutrition
Happy Monday Everyone. Hope you are all having a great long weekend. It was lovely seeing new and old faces on the Peak walk on Saturday morning. The next date to put in your calendar will be Saturday 6th March. We will confirm the walk venue closer to the time. All...
by Paul Miller | Feb 4, 2021 | Fat loss, Nutrition
Happy Friday All. Hope you have had a great week of training/moving well, eating nourishing meals and getting to bed at a reasonable hour each night. Firstly a reminder about the Peak Walk tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 0800 meeting at Tauroa Carpark. This invite is...
by Paul Miller | Feb 2, 2021 | Fat loss, Life
Your knees require your attention, so please listen up Having knee pain sucks yet it is one of the most common injuries/complaints I hear In this post I am going to share with you 9 tips on making your knees indestructible 1 – Don’t skimp on the warm...
by Paul Miller | Jan 31, 2021 | Fat loss, Life
Happy Monday Everyone. We enjoyed a weekend in Wellington catching up with some good friends. Lots of walking, sunshine, peddling a boat in the water (saw a pretty big stingray swim by), eating, coffee-ing, and chatting! A reminder, THIS Saturday morning at 0800 we...
by Paul Miller | Jan 29, 2021 | Fat loss, Life
There is one exercise I do everyday without fail. This exercise works on my reflexive posture, full body strength, and my vestibular system (probably the most underrated system in the body) It nourishes my brain and feels good. And as a mentor of mine says ‘’it feels...
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