by Paul Miller | Mar 6, 2019 | Fat loss, Life
There’s a good reason why I unplug my wifi before I go to bed, don’t hold my mobile phone by my head when I am talking and won’t even consider owning a microwave or induction hob. It’s because my wife makes me… no but seriously. As I write this there are...
by Paul Miller | Mar 3, 2019 | Fat loss, Life
Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend filled with lots of restorative rest, deep breathing, laughter, love and fun! On Friday we had a group of friends over for dinner. We have started a monthly meet up dinner with a group of healthy food...
by Paul Miller | Feb 24, 2019 | Fat loss, Functional Wellness, Personal Training
You may have heard that sitting is the new smoking. Research suggests that sitting for extended periods increases the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The problem is, many of us are required to sit for long periods of time as technology straps us to the...
by Paul Miller | Feb 10, 2019 | Fat loss, Life, Nutrition
Happy Monday All, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend In today’s post I wanted to share a post about stress Is stress the cause of all your health problems? Stress is often the root cause of many peoples health problems and in our modern world it’s everywhere. The...
by Paul Miller | Feb 3, 2019 | Fat loss, Nutrition, Personal Training
There is so much talk about calories amongst fitness professionals with what seems to be a 50/50 split between those that say you should track calories and those that will tell you not to bother In this post I thought I would dive into the calorie conundrum To...
by Paul Miller | Jan 20, 2019 | Fat loss, Nutrition
Happy Monday Everyone! What beautiful weather we had. Beach swims, walks, Hapi Ice Creams, friends for dinner, and Paul snuck off for a cheeky boys night (leaving me with two children who didn’t want to go to bed until after 9pm – woop woop!). Anyways, I...
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