by Paul Miller | May 6, 2019 | Functional Wellness, Nutrition
Happy Monday How was your weekend? For this week’s newsletter I thought I would answer a question I have been asked a few times over the last week. “What should I eat the night before and the morning of the Marathon?” ‘’Run away to Hawke’s Bay for a...
by Paul Miller | Feb 24, 2019 | Fat loss, Functional Wellness, Personal Training
You may have heard that sitting is the new smoking. Research suggests that sitting for extended periods increases the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The problem is, many of us are required to sit for long periods of time as technology straps us to the...
by Paul Miller | Oct 24, 2016 | Fat loss, Functional Wellness, Life, Nutrition
In today’s newsletter I wanted to talk to you about adrenal fatigue. As of late far too many people have told me they’re tired and don’t feel like they have any get up and go in them. This is a classic sign of adrenal fatigue. Step 1 I have attached...
by Paul Miller | Oct 23, 2016 | Functional Wellness, Nutrition
Click below to open link: xx-dr-wilsons-adrenal-fatigue-questionnaire
by Paul Miller | Aug 14, 2016 | Functional Wellness, Nutrition
Happy Monday How was your weekend? As I write this Val Adams has just got a Silver for the shot put. As amazing as that is I am sure many of you were hoping for the gold 🙁 On the flip side the Brits are doing well and currently lying in third on the medal tables. How...
by Paul Miller | Aug 7, 2016 | Functional Wellness, Nutrition
Happy Monday Wow what wet weather we had this weekend. That wind was pretty crazy and talking of wind, well done to the Hurricanes on their victory over the Lions. 🙂 With the Olympic opening ceremony it reminded me it was 4 years ago that London had the 2012 Olympics...
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