
Today we share with you 17 of our best ideas and insights that we have been lucky enough to have learnt over the past 10 years while in the health and fitness business.


Here are 17 master moves from clients that have had amazing fat loss transformations.


1. They understand WHY they want to change giving them an unstoppable driving force to achieve their goals.


2. They have clearly defined goals, which are specific, measurable, realistic and time framed.


3. They are not disillusioned by pessimists and whole heartedly believe that they can make a life changing transformation


4. They move closer and closer to their goals by taking action everyday


5. They know that in order to achieve they must put the effort in


6. They get comfortable being uncomfortable (to make an incredible change you have to get out of your comfort zone)


7. They know that extra effort and success are best buddies


8. They understand that investing in their education and development will make a huge impact with their transformation


9. They take time out to think clearly, plan and prepare, knowing this will bring clarity and great insights.


10. They search out what motivates and inspires them to keep moving forward and look at this on a daily basis.


11. They spend time with other positive and successful people.


12. They understand that all failures are just lessons to be learned from


13. They get that a transformation is not just about the physical but also the mental and emotional


14. They absorb what is useful and discard what is useless


15. They know that small daily improvements will lead to staggering long term results


16. They take time out to be grateful for what they are able to achieve


17. They don’t think they need to lose weight to get healthy, they know that by becoming healthy they will naturally lose weight.


Give some or all of these things a go and get ready to transform. For more information visit Bootcamp Hawkes Bay and see how they can help you get in the best shape of your life