In today’s newsletter I wanted to talk a little about exercises, injuries and movement competency. 

 My buddy Worm from MOVEMENT HQ (that’s his real name) sent this post the other day…

It’s evident that more and more people are exercising which is great but we have to move well before we move often. 

If you don’t want to get injured we don’t necessarily need to optimise but we do need to manage the minimum. 

The problem is that most people don’t know they have underlying limitations or dysfunction. You see a limitation or dysfunction might not be giving you any pain right now but it’s only a matter of time before the straw, the camel and his back. 

Just like my buddy Worm said.. 

My appendix has burst don’t worry I will grab a knife and have a dig around or my tooth is a little sore. Has anyone seen the pliers? 

For years I have been harping on about the Functional Movement Screen and to this day I still use it all the time. It’s the system that shows me underlying dysfunction/limitation and gives me a clear and direct route for strategies of protection, correction and development. 

The Functional Movement Screen FMS is built on objective measuring. This means no assumptions, no guessing and clear and concise baseline. 

‘’What gets measured get managed’’ – Peter Drucker

Content vs Context 

There is a huge difference between content and context.

 Men’s Health magazine said that everyone should squat. Squats are the best exercise 

How about my neighbour who is in a wheelchair. Are squats the best exercise for him? 

Context matters and we (Personal Trainers) need to address the person in front of us. The FMS does just that. No sweeping generalisation instead we look specifically at how YOU move. Where do YOU need more mobility, where do YOU need more stability or motor control. 

It’s about YOU

YOU want to run 5k. Perfect, let’s see where we are right now (baseline) see if we have any major red flags that we need to clean up and create a plan 

YOU want to lose 5kg. Perfect, let’s see where you are right now, see what we have on the table and make a plan. 

If you don’t know where you are RIGHT NOW then how will you ever know HOW to get where you’re GOING 

Do yourself a favour and book an FMS today.

People often ask me who’s the FMS for? 

Well it’s for everyone. If you simply want to get up and down so you can play with the grandkids then the FMS is for you. If you want to show Beauden Barrett how to actually play a little Rugby then this is for you or if you just want to get a little fitter and a little stronger then this is for you 

If you go to the Doctors and have your blood pressure and cholesterol checked then why wouldn’t you have a biomechanical check up?