Happy Monday Everyone. Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. It was a great walk up the Peak on Saturday morning with the crew – thank you to those who joined me.

Here is a photo of Milly playing in a mud bath in our vegetable garden. 

Nowadays I feel like many kids are living in an over-sterilised world. Especially those that grow up in concrete jungles. 

It seems many kids would rather play with their parents iPads or watch the wiggles. Back in my day (I have now finally hit an age where I can start a sentence with ‘’back in my day’’ 🙂 ) 

Anyway, back in my day when there were no ipads and TV was whatever was on at the time, we were  always outside getting dirty 

We rolled in mud, jumped in puddles and climbed trees. 


The reason I share this is because I came across this study the other day that suggested you might want to get outside and get dirty (below).

When we play in dirt we are exposed to microorganisms that can boost our immune system, ward off allergies and fight inflammation. 

One microorganism in particular Mycobacterium vaccae has been found to be a powerful antidepressant and has shown to have long lasting anti inflammatory effects on the brain. 

Trials with cancer patients were treated by Mycobacterium vaccae and all reported a better quality of life. Researchers reason that the bacteria M. Vaccae activates neurons in the brain that contain serotonin, our happy chemical neurotransmitter. 

So, maybe don’t eat the dirt, but get digging. Go and spend some time being a kid again and get dirt under your fingernails, climb a tree and consider a mud bath 

Picture – Hells Gate Geothermal Pools in Rotorua 

That’s it for today, 


Paul ‘’Mud Pie’’ and Krystie “going to the garden to eat worms” Miller