Happy Monday Everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend.


We have had a handful of people interested in a stretching/yoga class as an additional session to their current training and I have spoken to a great yoga teacher who is keen to do this if we can get the numbers together.

At this stage, if you are interested, please let us know if an evening – Tuesday or Wednesday at 1800 -1900 or a morning; Tuesday or Thursday at 0600-0700​ would work better. Price is tbc. The session will be divided into stretching and relaxation/breathing. Please send us an email to confirm your interest at fitnesscamp@hotmail.com​​​​​

On to today’s post 🙂

Workouts should be fun right?


Because if you don’t like your workout you’re probably not going to do it, right? 

Here’s the thing … 

Much of today’s fitness industry is based on never repeating the same workout again. Mixing things up or muscle confusion. 

I’m all for mixing things up, but if you do then you need to have some fundamentals in place. At Results we mix workouts up BUT you will always be doing some form of squats, deadlifts, swings, pushes, pulls and single leg work. These exercises will be in a framework of reps, sets and rest depending on our phase of training. 

Randomly throwing out exercises and reps is just plain stupid. Remember the goal is to be better. The goal is not to be sweaty and tired.

^^^^This is just silly^^^^ doing the workout of my name overtime would result in poor posture and unbalanced muscles. I could almost guarantee an injury 

Side rant –
this is unfortunately one of my main problems with platforms like the gram. You buy yourself a workout from Jonny six pack or Barbie Buttlift who have never seen YOU, assessed YOU, don’t know YOUR injuries, limitations, training experience, training background or how YOU move. More often than not you get a cookie cutter program with the hope that it will work for you because it worked for them. 

Haters be like …  You’re just bitter because you only have a few followers and Jonny six pack has like 1.4 million followers – Yep that’s it!  😉 

If it was as simple as just getting sweaty and tired then I would employ a bunch of 6 year olds to write programs 

I’m sure if I asked Milly (my 6 year old) to write a workout for me, she would say run around the block 13 times and then do 123 burpees. 

This workout would sure make me sweaty and tired but it wouldn’t make me any better. In fact it wouldn’t be long before I had a sore fill in blank 

The major problem with constantly changing is that 

1 – it becomes very difficult to measure any progress 
2 – it becomes very difficult to make progress 

It’s kind of like trying to catch five rabbits with your bare hands. Catching just one rabbit is hard enough, but if you focus and you’re smart it can be done. On the other hand when you attempt to catch 5 rabbits you just become discombobulated and disorientated. 

The main purpose of a workout is NOT entertainment, it’s progress in the right direction 

If you want entertainment then there’s Netflix or dinner with friends 

Yes training CAN be fun but it’s not the main goal 

In order to achieve any goal in life you need to have some CONTINUITY with your training 

Or put another way … 

You won’t get better at Karate by playing Chess 
You won’t get better at Guitar by playing Tennis 
You won’t get better at Running by playing Tiddlywinks 
You get my point 

Mixing things up all the time may make for entertaining workouts but my guess is that you’re not going to get stronger, faster, have more endurance or get leaner. I reckon you might just end up tired and broken 

The real secret to enjoying your workouts are these two things…

1 – When you move well you will want to move more often… let that sink in 

2 – Getting results – actually getting leaner, stronger, faster or better in whatever way you want 

Paul “tiddlywinks champion” & Krystie “squats again” Miller